By Beatriz Seelaender
In the sense that you’re more of a limb than a hobby, I’m probably even more insane than previously theorized: amputate you from my body, and you’ll still be there, buzzing around
air quotes flickering its wings the way ears blink when you swallow,
my mind’s autocorrect exhausted by your earworms, except they aren’t songs
The thing they don’t get about escapism
is that you’ll eventually have to escape from the stories that leave you
but they cling, you mulch it, and carry it with you.
it’s every only child’s pathology to orderly dissociate till dinner time
or maybe that was just me: I’ve had stories in my head ever since I could remember, dreamily intrusive, and much more interesting
I cared more about what happened to characters borrowed and mine
than whatever was going on in the present
These days they’re calling it “hyperfixation”, which I prefer
because none of these places are actually fun, they’re simply more imaginative
than wherever I(’m reluctant to) belong.
escape to the real world, compartmentalize
my brain hasn’t got any pockets, though
I try not to think of you often, I try to act like an ingrate
I keep you with the dolls and stuffed animals from childhood
all things that I’d save from the fire when the alarm would ring at the building,
which happened at least twice
now locked in the cupboard under the stairs.
Beatriz Seelaender is a Brazilian author from São Paulo. Her fiction has appeared in Cagibi, AZURE, Psychopomp, among many others, and essays can be found at websites such as The Collapsar and Guesthouse. Her novellas have earned her both the Sandy Run and the Bottom Drawer Prizes. Seelaender’s poetry has been published by Inflections Magazine, VERSION [9], etc.