By Skyler Rutkowski
My grandma is cleaning the cupboards
I made a mess of, when I ask if she regrets it.
I am the only one in my family
who treats her human.
No beat between she tells me,
“How can I regret anything,
when I have memories
like this?”
Her kitchen is a time bomb
I’ve blown up, covered in the chocolates
We make together.
She’s been crying,
¼ heart-ache, ¾ nostalgia, but that
doesn’t stop her roaring thunder laugh.
She is all warrior and grace
in ways I can’t quite press my finger to.
It’s been years since my grandfather left,
and she’s never made me prove that I am
cemented to her,
family, even without the blood.
Her fingers have never knitted
but the way she hugs can be described
as a favorite sweater
that’s been worn too often
to ever come clean.
In all her fears, love has never been one.
Later, when I call her
tell her I made it home
I do not tell her all the ways she
taught me to be gentle.
When I finally see her after
months of been busy and
we’ll make time soon
she tells me she is broken.
I tell her she is unbreakable
but even still, I am here.
I try to make a mirror of my words
so maybe she can see the flowers in her smile.
I have learned everything I know of love,
from her.
I’ve read that the only parts of the human body
that does not age, are the eyes.
In hers, I can see every good moment
fighting to the surface
and in them, I see my arms out
loving guilelessly,
ready and willing,
to teach all I know of love
right back to her.
The sun falls behind the clouds that bring
night back to us,
I’m recounting all the ways she has
healed my breath back into me.
It would take lifetimes to emulate her.
She is more revival
than most of us.
Previously published in Emrys Journal
Skyler Jaye Rutkowski (she/they) is a queer poet from Buffalo, NY. She is the non-fiction editor of Variety Pack and the author of A Mountain of Past-Lives & Things I've Learned (Blazevox, 2019). Her work has been previously published in Ligeia Magazine, Ghost City Press, Emrys Journal, among others. Find her tweeting @skylerjaye23 mainly about her dog, but also sometimes writing.