Welcome to Sophon Lit's blog! Here, we'll be posting contributor spotlights, reviews, interviews, and more. In the meantime, we've curated a palette of phrases and images that we love. We hope you find inspiration among the fragments, and that you'll consider submitting to Sophon Lit when you do :))
liminality // flickering street signs // erased words you can't quite make out anymore // glass homes // mirrors and windows and everything in between // exploding nebulae thousands of lightyears away // snow melting against skin //
strangers you know you've seen before // landscapes only in dreams // nostalgia upon waking // television static // someone or something you haven't let yourself think about in some time // false pasts // fragmented futures //
gray spaces between memory and imagination // dusty wine glasses // moon behind thunderclouds // vicarious experiences // film cameras // refraction and reflection // multiple shadows // silent gods // writing diary entries by candlelight // healed scars