By Elizabeth Wenger and Tara Labovich
in the beginning
i followed
the light
shining between my mother’s legs.
a tunnel pulsing—
the mushrooming body,
a terrible,
brute emerging.
then: the long digestion,
mulled wine in the round
belly of life, spiced
with occasional respite:
a good sleep, tart oranges, touch.
honey-ed air in cavernous
organs of time, sweetened
with the horrible triumph
that light, shined just so, pinkish
on the horizon, will convince our bodies
we’re alright.
we’re no more advanced than the sunflowers,
turning our lives towards this light.
Elizabeth J. Wenger and Tara Labovich are candidates at Iowa State University's MFA in Creative Writing and Environment. They collaboratively author poetry and short stories in an exploration of the potential for creative community and experimentation.