Dear Reader,
First, I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to our newest additions to Sophon Lit's masthead: Executive Editor Ethan Altshul, Poetry Editors Callum Foulds and Cailey Tin, and Prose Editor Shane Reid. Issue 2 wouldn't have come together so beautifully without them. As always, we are endlessly grateful to all our contributors, submitters, and readers.
Constellating these dreamers' stories into a cohesive issue, I am reminded of how art, in a sense, is the most honest expression of the unfettered whimsy in each mind. A simultaneous celebration of beautiful thinking and an invitation to open your mind, the fifteen artists and writers of Issue 2: Nebula encourage you to wonder and wander, to feel and explore.
These pieces evoke wonder and nostalgia for pasts imagined and experienced, blurring into nebulas of history with future; memory with consciousness. "my day is going like a comma," Haley's speaker remarks in "garden street at 4 p.m.," interweaving the conversational with the liminal. Ivi Hua plays with white space and caesura on the page, as much meaning created in each pause as in the "glissando" of imagery that outlines, and thus creates, these breaths. Spaces for language, spaces for thought: a traveler without a destination is a dreamer, Shrutidhora Mohor tells us in her introspective "Long Live." Abstract movement, colors melding into each other, and mystical symbolism emerge in the artwork of Irina Tall and Edward Lee. Like in Kushal Poddar's "Nebulous," I hope you find dreams, the soft edges and reflective fragments, the "plasma in between what we perceive and what we imagine" in the constellation of voices and artwork within Sophon Lit's second issue.
Ava Chen