Dear Reader,
Sophon Lit sparked into being on the couch of a Manhattan hotel room. As someone who’s always loved beautiful collections, I had a vision of finding and curating epiphanies, sweeping and minute, and sharing them with the world. Today, this vision is finally realizing, and with it I extend my eternal gratitude to all our stellar contributors, submitters, readers, and followers. Sophon Lit couldn't exist without you.
In this issue, revelations—implicit and explicit—breathe through every piece. I invite you to “Seek light in the shadow of a murk ode” with Adesiyan Oluwapelumi’s surreal “An Ode to Joy Planktons.” Remember “how deeply even the right things could cut at the wrong time” in the thoughtful allegory of “Ecdysis” by Monica Fuglei. Aphoristic epiphanies glow in these works, wielding poetic truths like lessons, but also remains of experience. Ace Boggess reflects on bittersweet derivations of fate in “Wouldn’t It Be Beautiful If It Were That Easy All the Time?” In the depthless and haunting “not then, but now,” Seren Wolfe christens “home” as “a place no one should go alone.” Prose pieces in our inaugural issue feature striking endings, from ambiguous to jarring to poignant. In “Circadian,” Thanisha Chowdhury tells us how “Time’s eggs lay dormant behind my ribs, growing, pulsing, feeding. Every night, I wait for them to hatch.” There is something magical about the windows of eclectic thought each author's words opens. A midnight library; microcosms of every color.
Summer is a time for fresh faces and words, and with that, I hope you find something new to keep in Sophon Lit’s Issue I: Revelation.
Ava Chen